Working in a Post-COVID World — 10 Things to Consider

Günter Richter
4 min readAug 21, 2020

There can be no doubt that the COVID pandemic has changed things forever. It seems that no other event in recent history has provided us with an opportunity to significantly review how we work.

Many organisations baulked at the idea of allowing staff to work from home for any significant period. Now there is no choice. Many of us have been doing this for the last few months. We are now seeing the easing of restrictions and the beginning of the journey back to normality. But what does normal look like? I think it certainly involves working from home more than we previously did. So how do we ensure that this new model can be the best it can be? Here are 10 points to consider.

Don’t try and recreate your office environment on a like-for- like basis

While it is tempting to do this because it is what you are used to, try making remote working even more productive. Work in your other commitments, like taking the dog for a walk or cooking lunch. If you are more productive in the evenings, then start later and finished later. Also, try and delineate personal and work time/space. Walking past your laptop at nine in the evening, you might be tempted to check your email. Avoid this by packing away your work gear. Likewise, don’t clutter your workspace with a load of…



Günter Richter

I help to improve performance through change management, technology, data, and coaching. Creator of &